Category Archives: portrait

My favorite downtown view


When thinking about where I live, I have a few spots that visually really bring me peace. The church on Market with the huge stain glass flower, the view of the sunset from my backyard or of the moonrise from the marina. This one is also one of my favorites. It’s the view from the bridge nearest the yummy Corner Bakery.

My favorite downtown view

My favorite downtown view

We go this way when we take Noah to work, or when we are driving to visit Scott at the Wharf. It’s a lovely little spot to stop and take a snap. I’ve shared it here before but I felt this shot got a clearer image than the last one. Do you see why it’s easy to be at peace living here? I love it, and would love to stay for the rest of my life and to stop being a “come here” and start being a “stay here”. We will see, only time will tell.

The biggest super moon?


We had another Super Moon this month, and we’ve got one scheduled for next month as well. It’s a neighborhood thing to walk down to the marina, some folks with their evening beverages and me with my camera, to see what the moon is going to offer us. It was hazy in the distance and we joked that the moon didn’t get the memo that it was supposed to come out and SHINE.  It snuck up on us and by the time we saw it, it was exactly like this.

Sneaky moon.

Sneaky moon.

We stood prepared with “Skin So Soft” on our skin to keep the gnats away, and waited. It slowly rose up and shone, getting brighter and brighter as each second went by. I took about 50 images, but I won’t bore you with vain repetition. I’ll just give you a nice, clean and bright shot.

Brighter moon as the sky goes dark.

Brighter moon as the sky goes dark.

blurry memories of last fall

Jumping for joy

Jumping for joy

all the cool kids JUMP

all the cool kids JUMP

I love love love the summer, and I dislike the freezing cold winter, but man do I really enjoy the spring and fall. The spring has promises of flowers and thawing and warmer days, and the fall has crunchy grass, late night fires and lots of bug free star gazing.
We are entering yet another new phase of our life, I’m going back to work soon and will be partnering full-time with Scott to continue the boys home education. Life is full of seasons and adjustments and like the waves we once loved to surf, you’ve got to let it knock you down, roll and protect, then get up, recover, and paddle right back out.
I appreciate your prayers as we enter into this new season.  This is an exciting path we are taking and I pray that in the end we are all better for it.

the cool kids, part 2


I apologize sincerely if any of these pictures are redundant. As I see it we can all use a little visual peace, and my fire and sunset pictures are nothing if not peaceful.


So as I mentioned Saturday, last week Noah had a friend come up from North Carolina. He drove a long four hours to stay for only thirty six hours, sad face. It was a good time however and we did a LOT more than I photographed. And the above picture is horribly blown out. That’s what I get for waiting until last minute at 7:45 in the morning before he’s got to head back home.

fire pit against the post sunset sky

fire pit against the post sunset sky

Both nights that he was here we had the fire pit going. The first night for s’mores but the second was just for kicks and giggles. We aren’t in a city and have to street lights so we have the best view (of my life so far) of the night sky, and thankfully the first night he was here was also had clear skies.

So dark, warm and smokey. I love going to bed with the smell of campfire in my hair and on my skin.

So dark, warm and smokey. I love going to bed with the smell of campfire in my hair and on my skin.

pinks and purples and blues, oh my

pinks and purples and blues, oh my

What an amazing sunset we had too. We’re always so glad when our friends can come and share in this glory that God has given us.

Scott was home both nights (oh have I mentioned I LOVE his new schedule!?!) and was able to get out the fishing pole and play around a bit. We have yet to catch a fish off our bulkhead, but one day we will, I’m certain of it.