Tag Archives: Virginia

the cool kids, part 2


I apologize sincerely if any of these pictures are redundant. As I see it we can all use a little visual peace, and my fire and sunset pictures are nothing if not peaceful.


So as I mentioned Saturday, last week Noah had a friend come up from North Carolina. He drove a long four hours to stay for only thirty six hours, sad face. It was a good time however and we did a LOT more than I photographed. And the above picture is horribly blown out. That’s what I get for waiting until last minute at 7:45 in the morning before he’s got to head back home.

fire pit against the post sunset sky

fire pit against the post sunset sky

Both nights that he was here we had the fire pit going. The first night for s’mores but the second was just for kicks and giggles. We aren’t in a city and have to street lights so we have the best view (of my life so far) of the night sky, and thankfully the first night he was here was also had clear skies.

So dark, warm and smokey. I love going to bed with the smell of campfire in my hair and on my skin.

So dark, warm and smokey. I love going to bed with the smell of campfire in my hair and on my skin.

pinks and purples and blues, oh my

pinks and purples and blues, oh my

What an amazing sunset we had too. We’re always so glad when our friends can come and share in this glory that God has given us.

Scott was home both nights (oh have I mentioned I LOVE his new schedule!?!) and was able to get out the fishing pole and play around a bit. We have yet to catch a fish off our bulkhead, but one day we will, I’m certain of it.

A divine appointment


Last night I decided to walk down to the beach after taking a ridiculously long soak in the bath. Scott never likes me to wander off alone so he recruited Jack to go with me.


Jack hollers back to me “you’re walking slow tonight mom!”


We arrive at the beach and look for the sandcastle we’d built yesterday to no avail. I see a woman come out and sit on the bulkhead. I take this picture.


Jack says the bugs are eating him up and he’s heading back home. I walk behind him slowly, the woman says hello to me. I feel the Holy Spirit moving me in her direction. I ask her how she’s doing tonight. Her wobbly smile betrays the truth and she starts to cry. “It’s a nice place to come for a cry.” I say, she chortles softly. “Tell a stranger your troubles” I say as I sit down next to her. She talks and I listen. A little while goes by and Sam arrives to fetch me after hearing Jack’s report to Scott that “mom is talking to a stranger”. He sits quietly as we continue talking. I end by placing my hand on her shoulder and praying for her. God wants her to know, and He wants YOU to know, you are not alone. He sees you, He knows your pain and He is loving you right through it all. You are one in a billion, and He loves you. You may have no one to talk to but He is listening. After ALL is said and done, after this life is done, HE IS THERE. Put one foot in front of the other and do the next thing. God is still on the throne. And remember, NONE OF THIS TOOK GOD BY SURPRISE.

Thank you God for this divine appointment. You are always working around me, I just had to show up, listen up and speak up. All glory and honor and praise are YOURS.

Things aren’t always as they appear

My camera was refusing to let the light in, but I love how these turned out.

My camera was refusing to let the light in, but I love how these turned out.

Scott and the boys watching as the crazy sun goes down.

Scott and the boys watching as the crazy sun goes down.

This is the last one I took before my camera finally started responding to my bossy commands.

This is the last one I took before my camera finally started responding to my bossy commands.


These pictures are a prime example of why shooting in manual can be challenging, and they’re also a prime example of how things aren’t always as they appear. It was NOT a dark day, and these pictures really should have been MUCH brighter, yet here they are, coming off my sd card and into your eyeballs just like that.

Visuals can be deceiving. That lady with the tattoos is really- really nice, and the teen girl with the purple mohawk has a toddler that she takes for a walk around the neighborhood every single night right out of pure love. That really  smelly and tired looking man just pulled a LONG shift at the local poultry place, so he could take care of his “five head o’ young’un” including one that’s heading off to college in the fall.  Everyone has a story, but can you hear it? Everyone, EVERYONE needs your grace, your compassion and your mercy.

Something I’ve been praying and singing a lot lately, “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy on me” and I change it up “Lord have mercy on her, and him, and them.” Lord have mercy.

When you don’t know how to pray, you can always pray for mercy.

Eastern Shore, VA. Welcome Home!


This is a compilation of the pictures (mostly iphone pics) taken since we’ve been here on the eastern shore. This is also my first attempt at an iMovie. I hope you like it! The song is “Just one drop” by PLUMB. I personally dislike when songs are cut off so I let it play itself out once the sunset picture shows.

The Eastern Shore, “you’ll love our nature”.




So far it’s true, we love the nature here on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We also love the wind. It’s ALWAYS windy. ALWAYS. It also makes it about 10 degrees cooler feeling than where we were in North Carolina. We are LOVING IT!



view from our new home

view from our new home

windy, ALWAYS.

windy, ALWAYS.